Monday, June 10, 2019

Impact of Menopause on Women Sexual Function Research Paper

Impact of Menopause on Women Sexual Function - Research Paper usageThus, the menopause topic is timely because the impact the changes have on the life of the charr are challenging and and so worth addressing. In this regard, this paper ordain evaluate the impact of menopause on women sexual subprogram. The evaluation will be achieved by come offing five articles with studies conducted about the menopausal effects on sexual practice. The review will involve comparing the approaches and methods the researchers use to arrive at their conclusions regarding the menopausal impacts. Key words Menopause, women, Impact, function, and sex Impact of Menopause on Women Sexual function Different scholars have varying perspectives of approaching the topic on menopausal effects on women sexuality but the overall point that brings them together is that it results into sexuality dysfunction. Menopause changes the life of a woman through altering her biological social aspects (Mattar, Chong, Su , Agarwal, Wong, & Choolani, 2008). The authors continue to point out that it is a time when a woman begins to know the value and function of sexuality. This is because sexuality is important for her health as well as well-being. Menopause according to Mattar et al. (2008) interferes with hormones responsible for sexual response and thus become dysfunctional. The impact of the dysfunction is challenging, devastating, and can result into severe medical issues. In support of Mattar et al. (2008), leventhal (2000) reveals that menopause can reduce libido in women, orgasm as well as reducing coitus frequency. He continues to point out that these impacts result from physiological transformations because of menopause although Levenathal (2000) also adds that depression as well as marital discord could also cause the problems. The author claims that women undergoing menopausal changes experience difficulties in their sexuality, especially if they experience depression or discord. Thus the effects change state because other hormones are affected and influence the negative effects or rather ameliorate the transformations. To be more concise, Leventhal (2000) adds that the changes that occur are mediated by estrogen. Orgasm is the most affected sexuality in these women because they experience delays in secretions. This is in agreement with Matter et al. (2008) that inability to reach organism becomes a study challenge in menopausal women. On the impacts, Mattar et al. (2008) argue that the sexual dysfunction can lead to diminished sex drive, inability to arouse, orgasm issues, and pain when do sex. The authors argue that the condition is complex and is hard to treat. Similarly, Dennerstein, Koochaki, Barton, and Graziottin (2006) survey reveals the challenging impact of menopause on the womens sexual function. The authors reveal that menopausal women have challenging issues with their sexuality, especially reduced desire for sex. Additionally, the women have complica tions during sex such as inability for secretion thereby making orgasm a nightmare. According to Dennerstein et al. (2006), the menopausal women develop a Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). The HSDD is common in almost all the menopausal women because the root cause is connatural. The finding is similar to that of Mattar et al. (2008) and reveals that menopause impacts on women sexuality severely. The sexuality of older women is full of sexual challenges although some women have problems admitting it (Orner, 2005). The women experience some sexual urge although reduced in comparison to their youthful years but

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